
Application for grant of a Working Holiday visa 

Your application has been submitted   

Your Transaction Reference Number (TRN) is:   這裡會有你的TRN密碼

Important information 

  • Please note, this does not mean your visa application has been approved. You will be advised by this Department when your application has been approved.
  • Please record your Transaction Reference Number, as you will need it if you want to check the status of your application through the online enquiry facility which is available by selecting the online enquiry facility on the Visiting Australia - Online Services page accessible from this Department's homepage.  
  • If you have lodged your application offshore, it is not advisable for you to travel to Australia on another visa while your eVisa Working Holiday visa application is being processed. In this case, migration law does not allow your visa application to be approved while you are in Australia. If you chose to travel to Australia on another visa before your Working Holiday visa application is approved, you will have to leave Australia so that your application can be approved while you are outside Australia.
  • If you have lodged your application from within Australia, it is advised that you remain in Australia while your eVisa Working Holiday visa application is being processed as you must be in Australia in order for the visa to be granted.
  • People who have previously entered Australia with a Working Holiday visa can apply for a second working holiday visa if they:
    • worked for a cumulative 3 months in a regional area doing seasonal work; and
    • have approved evidence to support the claim of 3 months seasonal work in a regional area. (see Working Holiday employment verification form below)

For further information about seasonal work opportunities, click here.

To obtain the Working Holiday employment verification form, click


Before you exit

Before you exit you will need to complete the following steps:
就是這裡...可以Download所有文件 (我把超連結取消囉!) 





1.       Download form(s) required to complete your application (required)   

2.       Retrieve and print your application form(recommended)   

3.       Retrieve and print your payment receipt details (recommended)   

4.       Nominate your password with the Department (recommended)


Contact information 

The World Index provides contact information for the Department's Australian and overseas offices.  

Click here to view this information.

Thank you for applying online. 






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